Thursday, 21 August 2008


Oh soooo many....I detest any form of bullying or injustice,really cant emphasise how much I detest that. I dont like liars,manipulators or people pretending to be something they are not. I hate greed,bitchyness and just so much more, unfortunatley having been involved so much within spiritualism and supposed spiritual groups, I have constantly witnessed all the above in that time and again. Just glad I am out of all that crap really!
I am not saying I wont be subjected to it, or witness that in life outside of that are,I have no doubt I will. But at least I know to expect it...Its kinda hard to accept and take in when it comes from a groupor an individual who proclaims they are spiritual. Nowadays if someone or a group maintains it is spiritual, I run as fast as my little toes can carry me in the opposite direction from them, him/her!
I detest in any shape or form abuse or distruction,whether it is to an animal,child or to something like a sapling that has been broken or detroyed by a bunch of idiots for fun!

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