Thursday 21 August 2008


Kendra the believer - Being born into a spiritualist household where my gran would tell us she had just spoken with my granddad or uncle (meaning the ones who were dead) was perfectly normal for me, as well as the belief in a God, and had always been part of my reality since I can remember.

Kendra the scientist - A few years ago, when due to experiencing situations that showed me the very ugly side of spiritualism my belief in the afterlife and The Big G started to waiver and my interest in Psychology, biology and human behaviour became inflamed once again. I took myself back to college and gained the grades needed to have the choice of universities to study Forensic Psychology at, which I achieved.

So there you have it, you have a woman whose heart is rooted in the belief of the spirit world, but with the mindset of a scientist/Psychologist analyzing, dissecting human perception and behaviour, and that is why in the world of Esoteric Online, I am very much the impartialist. Still trying to find the answers I believe can never truly be found, but holding on to the hope that maybe one day they will be. Respecting all beliefs and opinions of others along the way


Oh, I am so utterly brilliant,a wonderful person to know, everybody loves me...... And now back to the real world.
Hmm lets see, A little hot headed,the easiest way to discribe my personality is like this. You will either love me or hate me,there is no middle ground it seems with how people react amd take to me. I do say what i think,and i would say that can come across as a little blunt now and again. I am dedictaed to what i believe,.i do try my best though I fall on my arse every now and then, or people try to push me on my arse because they are sad sods! A very vibrant personality I would say, you certainly would know if I am in a room,whether its my glorious aura or my big gob I am not sure,but either way I am a hard person to miss!
Dont get me wrong I am certainly not an angel, I can be stroppy,moody,expect others to work as hard as I do,to be dedicated as I am and forget they have lives too...I dont know really I suppose I am a hole mixed bag of things....
My husband has everyones sympathy put it that


Ummm....quite a few, the normal stuff like reading,writing,singing,swimming,walking and goodness knows what.the problem is finding the damn time to actually do the things I would like to!


Thankfully I have more of these than dislikes,or else I would be a complete and utter miserable bitch to know..Like inspirational stuff,its the small things I enjoy,snuggling in bed with my hubby when its freezing cold outside,reading comics etc with my son,watching the silly things my cats do like giving it the rambo style whilst walking sideways ,you know when trying to make themsleves look tough and fail miserably.

I like the simple things in life really,just stuff you cannot really discribe,or rather the emotions like contentment and happiness,enjoyment, things that have a hundred ways to discribe them but none really encompassing the actual event or thing.


Oh soooo many....I detest any form of bullying or injustice,really cant emphasise how much I detest that. I dont like liars,manipulators or people pretending to be something they are not. I hate greed,bitchyness and just so much more, unfortunatley having been involved so much within spiritualism and supposed spiritual groups, I have constantly witnessed all the above in that time and again. Just glad I am out of all that crap really!
I am not saying I wont be subjected to it, or witness that in life outside of that are,I have no doubt I will. But at least I know to expect it...Its kinda hard to accept and take in when it comes from a groupor an individual who proclaims they are spiritual. Nowadays if someone or a group maintains it is spiritual, I run as fast as my little toes can carry me in the opposite direction from them, him/her!
I detest in any shape or form abuse or distruction,whether it is to an animal,child or to something like a sapling that has been broken or detroyed by a bunch of idiots for fun!

Latest News

Oh so very much,will update when I am able

Favourite Quote

Hmm this is a hard one really,there have been so many people that have said so many brilliant and relevant quotes. I would probbaly go with whats most relevant to what has happend and still going on with me. " It was asked what it was of a group of women standing around talking,what it was they were doing.The answer was swapping lies"
Or another one " Beware most the vengeful man who has patience"That is another good one and again relevant to me in so may ways.


Many things inspire me,from watching my husband and son making handprints and footprints on a huge piece of scrap paper together, to watching a spider build its web. Little things inspire me,even watching an old lady struggling along the road with her old dog hobbling by her side who have obvioulsy been together for many years, there is so much to be inspired by in this world. Its just a shame that so many of us look for the bigger things outside of themsleves for inspiration,when most of the time inspiration is right under our noses!

How people will best remember her when shes gone:

People will probably remember my personality when the time comes for me to depart this earth. A bit firery at times,certainly outspoken, never afraid to give anything a go. One of those indivdiuals where poeple will say " My god , what a girl!"

Kendra's Esoteric Online Blog

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